
Table of contents Link to heading

Books Link to heading

  1. Varga, M. (2020): Geometrical geodesy (in Croatian).

  2. Varga, M. (2020): Physical geodesy (in Croatian, revision in progress).

Project reports Link to heading

  1. Varga, M., Wieser, A. (2024): Concept for calibration, checking and testing of the geodetic equipment for the FCC. Deliverable IGP-AA-2.5. CHART project FCC-Geodesy IGP-AA-2.

  2. Varga, M., Wieser, A. (2024): Conceptual design report for the connection of the geodetic underground monitoring system to the civil engineering one. Deliverable IGP-AA-2.4. CHART project FCC-Geodesy IGP-AA-2.

  3. Varga, M., Wieser, A. (2024): Database of methodologies and instruments for position and orientation transfer into the FCC tunnel. Deliverable IGP-AA-2.3. CHART project FCC-Geodesy IGP-AA-2.

  4. Varga, M., Wieser, A. (2022): Conceptual design report for the establishment of a surface geodetic reference network including control baseline. Deliverable IGP-AA-2.2. CHART project FCC-Geodesy IGP-AA-2.

  5. Varga, M., Wieser, A. (2021): Proposition of Coordinate Reference Systems for FCC. Deliverable IGP-AA-2.1. CHART project FCC-Geodesy IGP-AA-2.

Articles in international journals Link to heading

  1. [Tomaštík, J.], Varga, M., Everett, T. (2024). Raw GNSS data collected using smartphones and low-cost receiver under optimal and sub-optimal conditions. Data in Brief, 110148.

  2. [Bjelotomić Oršulić, O.], Varga, M., Yalvac, S. (2023). Seismic Disturbances and Geodetic Effects: Unraveling the Impact of the Mw= 6.2 Petrinja Earthquake on the Croatian Positioning System CROPOS. Geosciences, 14(1), 6 .

  3. [Wang, Z.], Varga M., Medić, T., Wieser A. (2023): Assessing the alignment between geometry and colors in TLS colored point clouds. ISPRS 2023 Geospatial Week, Egypt. X-1/W1-2023:597-604.

  4. [Baumann-Ouyang, A.], Butt, J. A., Varga, M., Wieser, A. (2023): MIMO-SAR Interferometric Measurements for Wind Turbine Tower Deformation Monitoring. Energies, 16(3), 1518.

  5. [Wang, Y. M.], Sánchez, L., ..., Varga, M.,... (2021): Colorado geoid computation experiment - Overview and summary, Journal of Geodesy, 36.

  6. Varga, M.; Pitoňák, M.; Novák, P. ; Bašić, T. (2021): Contribution of GRAV-D airborne gravity to improvement of regional gravimetric geoid modelling in Colorado, USA, Journal of Geodesy, 36.

  7. Zahorec, P., Papčo, J.,..., [Götze, H.], ... & Varga, M. (2021): The first pan-Alpine surface-gravity database, a modern compilation that crosses frontiers. Earth System Science Data, 13(5), 2165-2209

  8. [Bjelotomć-Oršulić, O.], Markovinović, D., Varga, M., Bašić T. (2021): Coseismic Ground Displacement after the Mw6.2 Earthquake in NW Croatia Determined from Sentinel-1 and GNSS CORS Data. Geosciences, 11(4), 170.

  9. Varga, M., Stipčević, J. (2021): Gravity anomaly models with geophysical interpretation of the Republic of Croatia, including Adriatic and Dinarides regions, Geophysical Journal International, 226(3), 2189–2199.

  10. [Tomaštik, J.], Varga, M.. (2021): Practical applicability of processing static, short-observation-time raw GNSS measurements provided by a smartphone under tree vegetation, Measurement, 178, 109397.

  11. Bjelotomić Oršulić, O., Varga, M.; Markovinović, D.; Bašić, T. LTide - Matlab/Octave software tool for temporal and spatial analysis of tidal gravity acceleration effects according to Longman formulas. Earth Science Informatics. 12 (2019), 1, 1-10. .

  12. [Bjelotomić Oršulić, O.]; Markovinović, D.; Varga, M.; Bašić, T. (2019): The impact of terrestrial gravity data density on geoid accuracy: case study Bilogora in Croatia. Survey review - Directorate of Overseas Surveys, 1-10.

  13. Varga, M.; Bašić, T. Accuracy validation and comparison of global digital elevation models over Croatia. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 36 (2015), 1; 170-189. .

  14. Varga, M.; Grgić, M.; Bašić, T. Empirical Comparison of the Geodetic Coordinate Transformation Models: a Case Study of Croatia. Survey Review - Directorate of Overseas Surveys. 48 (2015); 1-13. .

  15. [Grgić, M.]; Varga, M.; Bašić, T. Empirical Research of Interpolation Methods in Distortion Modeling for the Coordinate Transformation between Local and Global Geodetic Datums. Journal of Surveying Engineering. 142 (2015), 2; 5-15. .

Articles in other journals Link to heading

  1. [Brkić M.]; Varga, M.; Grgić, M.; Radović, N.; Bašić, T. Model radnog popravka kompasa za 2020. godinu, Strategos, 4 (2020), 1; 7-29. .

  2. Varga, M.; Grgić, M.; Bjelotomić Oršulić, O.; Bašić, T. Influence of digital elevation model resolution on gravimetric terrain correction over a study- area of Croatia, Geofizika, 36 (2019), 1; 17-32. .

  3. [Brkić], M.; Pavasović, M.; Varga, M.; Grgić, M. 2nd Geomagnetic Information Renewal Cycle in the Republic of Croatia - First Results. Kartografija i geoinformacije : časopis Hrvatskoga kartografskog društva. 17 (2018), 30; 4-15. .

  4. Pokupić, M.; Varga, M.; Bašić, T. Models of geomorphometric parameters and drainage networks for the territory of Republic of Croatia. Hrvatski geografski glasnik. 80 (2018), 1; 61-76. .

  5. Varga, M.. Geomagnetic Anomalies over the Territory of the Republic of Croatia. Geodetski list: glasilo Hrvatskoga geodetskog društva. 68 (2014), 3; 173-184. (in Croatian)

  6. [Šugar, D.]; Varga, M.; Cindrić, M. Night-time Geomagnetic Field Observations on the POKUpsko Repeat Station.. Geodetski list: glasilo Hrvatskoga geodetskog društva. 67 (90) (2013), 1; 13-27. (in Croatian)

  7. Varga, M.; Bašić, T. Quality Assessment and Comparison of Global Digital Elevation Models on the Territory of Republic of Croatia. Kartografija i geoinformacije: časopis Hrvatskoga kartografskog društva. 12 (2013), 20; 4-17.

  8. Varga, M.; Dragčević, D.; ... Review of the regional geoid models around the world. Ekscentar: časopis studenata Geodetskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. 148 (2012), 15; 82-88. (in Croatian)

  9. Varga, M.. Validation of the Airy-Heiskanen topo-isostatic compensation model over the territory of Republic Croatia.. Ekscentar: časopis studenata Geodetskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. 148 (2012), 15; 104-108. (in Croatian)

  10. Varga, M.. Global Geodetic Observing System - GGOS. Ekscentar: časopis studenata Geodetskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. 124 (2011); 69-75. (in Croatian)

  11. Varga, M.. Ruer Bošković in geodesy. Ekscentar: časopis studenata Geodetskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. 124 (2011); 94-96. (in Croatian)

  12. [Luketić, A.]; Varga, M.; Žižić I. Analysis of the CROPOS on the calibration base of the Faculty of Geodesy, Zagreb. Ekscentar: časopis studenata Geodetskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. 112 (2010), 12; 48-51. (in Croatian)

International and national oral presentations, conference proceeding papers and posters Link to heading

  1. [Wieser, A.], Varga, M. (2022): Coordinate Reference Challenges for a potential FCC. Swisstopo Colloquium.

  2. [Pitoňák, M.], Varga, M., Šprlák, M. (2021): The omission error modelling of global gravity field models using different digital terrain models, Geodesy for a sustainable Earth, Beijing, China, June 28- July 2, 2021, (poster) ,

  3. [Bjelotomić Oršulić, O.], Varga, M., Bašić, T., and Korbar, T. (2021): Distorsion of Croatian national positional reference system CROPOS after the earthquake M6.2 in NW Croatia, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19-30 Apr 2021, EGU21-16581. ,

  4. [Bjelotomić Oršulić, O.], Korbar, T., Markovinović, D., Varga, M., and Bašić, T.: Ground displacement over Petrinja area caused by earthquake M6.2: interdisciplinary analysis of geodesy and geology based on analysis from SAR Sentinel-1 data, EGU General Assembly 2021, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-16582, , 2021.

  5. [Harasti, A.], Gilja, G., Varga, M., and Fliszar, R. (2021): ScourBuoy – concept for scour monitoring system, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-131, .

  6. [Pokupić, M.]; Varga, M.; Nevistić Z.; Grgić M.; Bašić, T.: CroCoord v1.0 - an Android application for nearly real-time 3D PPP multi-frequency multi-GNSS static surveying using smartphones. Contributions to International Conferences on Engineering Surveying, 24, INGEO&SIG 2020, Dubrovnik, Croatia, Springer Nature, 2020. . (paper)

  7. [Gilja, G.]; Cikojević, A.; Potočki K.; Varga, M.; Adžaga, N. Remote Real-time Riprap Protection Erosion Assessment on large rivers // EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4-8 May 2020, EGU2020-1933. . (oral)

  8. [Sánchez, L.]; Ågren, J.; Huang, J.; ... Varga, M.;... IHRF2019: the first realisation of the International Height Reference System // IUGG2019, Montreal, Canada, 2019. (oral)

  9. [Sebera, J.]; Götze, H. J.; ... Varga, M. Towards An Alpine Bouguer Gravity Anomaly Map // Online Abstracts, Frankfurt, Germany, 2019. (poster)

  10. Varga, M.; Pitoňák, M.; Novák, P.; Bašić, T.: The contribution of the GRAV-D airborne gravity data in the regional geoid modelling: a case study in Colorado, USA // IUGG2019 General Assembly meeting. Montreal, Canada, 2019. (poster)

  11. [Grgić, M.]; Brkić, M.; Varga, M.; Budić, J.: Activities on the 2nd Cycle of Geomagnetic Information Renewal in the Republic of Croatia // EPOS TCS Geomagnetic Observations meeting with Users and Providers, Prague, Czech Republic, 2019. (poster)

  12. [Sánchez, L.]; Ågren, J.; Huang, J.; ... Varga, M.;... Advances in the realization of the International Height Reference Frame (IHRF) // SIRGAS2019, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, 2019. (oral)

  13. Varga, M.; Grgić, M.; Bjelotomić, O.; Bašić, T. (2018): Investigation and comparison of RCR and LSMSA regional geoid modelling approaches // Gravity, Geoid and Height Systems 2, Gravity field of the Earth, GGHS2018, Copenhagen, Denmark. (oral)

  14. [Grgić, M.]; Varga, M.; Nerem, R. S.; Bašić, T.: The application of coastal and standard altimeter data for the study of the impact of sea level rise // Gravity, Geoid and Height Systems 2, Gravity field of the Earth, GGHS2018 Copenhagen, Denmark, 2018. S6-07. (oral)

  15. [Sánchez, L.]; Ågren, J.; Huang, J.; ... Varga, M.;...: Advances in the establishment of the International Height Reference Frame (IHRF) // GGHS2018 abstracts Copengahen, Denmark, 2018. (oral)

  16. Varga, M.; Bašić, T.: Numerical investigation on the importance of digital elevation models in regional geoid modelling // IX Hotine-Marussi Symposium, Rome, Italy, 2018. . (oral)

  17. Bašić, T.; Varga, M.: A brief (historical) review on definitions and applications of the geoid // IX Hotine-Marussi Symposium, Rome, Italy, 2018. . (oral)

  18. [Grgić, M.]; Varga, M.; Bašić, T.: On Development of the Croatian Offshore Vertical Reference Frame. VI. HKK 2018 Zbornik radova VI. hrvatski kongres o katastru. Zagreb: Tomagraf, 2018. 71-80. (paper+oral)

  19. [Pokupić, M.]; Varga, M.; Bašić, T. Geomorphometric and drainage network models of the territory of Republic of Croatia // 3th International Conference on Geoheritage, Geoinformation and Cartography Selce, Republic of Croatia, 2017. (oral)

  20. Bašić, A.; Varga, M.; Bašić, T.: Practical height issues in 3D cadastres. Zbornik radova 10. simpozija ovlaštenih inženjera geodezije: Prostorni registri za budućnost / Paar, R. (ed.). Opatija, Hrvatska, 19-22.10.2017. 84-89. (paper+oral)

  21. Lozo, M.; Varga, M.; Bašić, T. Modern Height Reference System as a Precondition of the implementation of the 3D Cadastre. Prostorni registri za budućnost / Paar, R. (ed.). Opatija, Hrvatska, 19-22.10.2017. 26-31. (paper+oral)

  22. Varga, M.; Skočić, Š.; Bašić, T. Investigations of the effects of topographic/bathymetric masses and crustal parameters in gravity field modeling. 17th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference SGEM 2017, Issue 22, Volume 17. Sofia : STEF92 Technology Ltd, 2017. 383-388. (paper+oral)

  23. Varga, M.; Vidić, I.; Bašić, T. Analysis of satellite based global gravity field models on GNSS/levelling and reference gravity stations worldwide. 17th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference SGEM 2017, Issue 22, Volume 17. Sofia : STEF92 Technology Ltd., 2017. 99-106. (paper+oral)

  24. [Barzaghi, R.]; Vergos, G. S.; ... ; Varga, M.. Gravimetric geoid model development in the Mediterranean Sea within the Geomed-2 project. IAG Symposia Series. Springer. (oral)

  25. [Barzaghi, R.]; Vergos, G. S.; ... Varga, M.; ... The GEOMED2 project: Multi-resolution aspects and aliasing in topographic effects for geoid and gravity determination. IAG-IASPEI 2017 Online abstracts. (oral)

  26. Varga, M.; Bjelotomić, O.; Bašić, T. Initial Considerations on Modernization of the Croatian Height Reference System. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Engineering Geodesy - SIG 2016. 2016. 225-233. (paper+oral)

  27. [Barzaghi, R.]; Vergos, G. S.; ...; Varga, M.;... Gravimetric geoid model development in the Mediterranean Sea within the Geomed-2 project. IAG Symposia Series. Springer. (oral)

  28. [Barzaghi, R.]; Vergos, G. S.; ...; Varga, M.; ...Investigation of the contribution of topographic effects on regional geoid modeling within the Geomed-2 project. GGHS2016 abstracts. (oral)

  29. Varga, M.; Grgić, M.; Bjelotomić, O.; Bašić, T. PGREP - towards a REPository of worldwide resources used in Physical Geodesy. GGHS2016 abstracts. (poster)

  30. [Barzaghi, R.]; Vergos, G. S.; ...; Varga, M.; ... Improved representations of the Mediterranean Geoid within the GEOMED 2 project. Contributions of local gravity, GOCE and Cryosat2 data. Proceedings of ESA LP 2016. (oral)

  31. [Barzaghi, R.]; Vergos, G. S.; ...; Varga, M.; ... Theoretical and numerical investigations towards a new geoid model for the Mediterranean Sea - The GEOMED2 project. EGU abstracts. (oral)

  32. [Barzaghi, R.]; Albertella, A.; ...; Varga, M.; ... The GEOMED 2 project: A high resolution geoid of the Mediterranean Sea. 26th International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) General Assembly 2015. 2015. (oral)

  33. [Grgić, M.]; Varga, M.; Bašić, T. The Empirical Comparison of Coordinate Transformation Models and Distortion Modeling Methods Based on a Case Study of Croatia. AGU meeting abstract database. 2015. (poster)

  34. [Vujić, E.]; Kovács, P.; Brkić, M.; Varga, M.. Regional geomagnetic field model for Croatia. IUGG Abstracts. 2015. (poster)

  35. Varga, M.; ...; Bašić, T.: Accuracy validation of global digital elevation models SRTM and ASTER using GNSS stations of CROPOS permanent network. Zbornik radova 4. CROPOS konferencije. 2015. 106-113. (oral)

  36. Grgić, M.; ... Varga, M.; ...: Empirical comparison of different transformation models and T7D model over the area of the city of Zagreb. Zbornik radova 4. CROPOS konferencije. 2015. 96-105. (paper+oral)

  37. Grgac, I.; ...; Varga, M.; ...: Comparison of heights determined with CROPOS VPPS service and geometric levelling in Earth gravity field. Zbornik radova 3. CROPOS konferencije. 2013. 118-125. (paper+oral)

  38. Grgić, M.; ...; Varga, M.; ...: Application of the Trimble xFill system for Augmentation of Global Navigation Systems. Zbornik radova 3. CROPOS konferencije. 2013. 126-132. (paper+oral)

Presentations and other contributions Link to heading

  1. [Varga M.] (2022): Coordinate Reference and Networks. Oral presentation on CERN FCC Week 2022.

  2. Varga M., [Wieser, A.] (2022): Coordinate Reference Challenges for a potential FCC. Oral presentation on Swiss Coloquium.

  3. [Varga M.], Bašić, T. (2019): Gravimetry and geoid modelling in Croatia - an overview. Loránd Eötvös centenary. At: Budapest, Hungary. Hungarian Academy of Sciences.

  4. [Varga M.] (2018): The Application of Crustal Models in Regional Modelling of the Earth’s Gravity Field. PhD defense presentation. Faculty of Geodesy, University of Zagreb.

Mentoring and supervision Link to heading

  1. Bättig, P. (2024): GNSS-smartphone navigation in urban environments using machine learning techniques and factor graph optimization. Master Thesis. Institute of Geodesy and Photogrammetry. ETH Zürich.

  2. Meier, N. (2024): Investigating systematic EDM errors of modern total stations . Bachelor Thesis. Institute of Geodesy and Photogrammetry. ETH Zürich.

  3. Wallimann, C. (2024): Testing the performance of Terrestrial Laser Scanners according to ISO specifications. Bachelor Thesis. Institute of Geodesy and Photogrammetry. ETH Zürich.

  4. Weber, T. (2023): 3D model of the cultural heritage site. Master Thesis Project. Institute of Geodesy and Photogrammetry. ETH Zürich.

  5. Piringer, F. (2022): Dynamic measurement of trajectories for monitoring cable car systems. Master Thesis. Institute of Geodesy and Photogrammetry. ETH Zürich.

  6. Lardon, F.(2022): Development of a georeferencing system for a helicopter-borne radar system. Master Thesis. Institute of Geodesy and Photogrammetry. ETH Zürich. Supervisors: Soja, B., ...,M. Varga.

  7. Flegar, S. (2021): The analysis and comparison of the positioning accuracy using multi-GNSS and autonomous navigation satellite systems. Master thesis. Faculty of Geodesy, University of Zagreb. Supervisors: Bašić, T., M. Varga.

  8. Tomić T. (2021): Analysis of multi-GNSS measurements from permanent station during the earthquake in Petrinja. Faculty of Geodesy, University of Zagreb. Supervisors: Bašić, T., M. Varga.

  9. Franković, H. (2020): The analysis of multi-GNSS from permanent stations in periods of earthquakes. Master thesis. Faculty of Geodesy, University of Zagreb. Supervisors: Bašić, T., M. Varga.

  10. Denich-Balogh, T. (2020): The potential of multi-GNSS measurements for earthquake detection. Master thesis. University of Zagreb. Supervisors: Bašić, T., M. Varga.

  11. Šiško, A.D. (2020): Earthquake Early Warning System- an overview. Master thesis. Faculty of Geodesy, University of Zagreb. Supervisors: Bašić, T., M. Varga.

  12. Pokupić, M. (2019): CROCORD- measurements using smartphones. Master thesis. Faculty of Geodesy, University of Zagreb. Supervisors: Bašić, T.,M. Varga.

  13. Pokupić, M. (2018): The analysis of the accuracy of digital elevation models and geomorphometric models of the mountainous areas of the Republic of Croatia. Rectors Award thesis. University of Zagreb. Supervisor: Bašić, T. Principal investigator: M. Varga. (in Croatian)

  14. Bašić, A. (2017): Unification of the local height reference systems by determination of vertical datum shifts and potential values $W_0$. Zagreb: Faculty of Geodesy. MSc Thesis. Supervisor: Bašić, T. Principal investigator: M. Varga.

  15. Lozo, M. (2017): Investigations of the accuracy of the regional gravimetric geoid models in Europe. Zagreb: Faculty of Geodesy. MSc Thesis. Supervisor: Bašić, T. Principal investigator: M. Varga.

  16. Vidaković, M. (2016): Reduction of the Earth’s Magnetic Field’s Historical Data. MSc Thesis. Zagreb: Faculty of Geodesy. Supervisor: Brkić, M., Principal investigator: M. Varga.

  17. Vidić, I. (2016): Validation of global geopotential models using GNSS/levelling and gravimetric data worldwide. MSc Thesis. Zagreb: Faculty of Geodesy. Supervisor: Bašić, T., Principal investigator: M. Varga.

  18. Skočić, Š. (2015): Analysis of influence of the digital elevation models and physical parameters in modeling of the Earth’s gravity field. MSc Thesis. Zagreb: Faculty of Geodesy. Supervisor: Bašić, T., Principal investigator: M. Varga.

  19. Grgac, I. (2013): The application of gravity in height systems. MSc Thesis. Zagreb: Faculty of Geodesy. Supervisor: Bašić, T., Principal investigators: M. Pavasović and M. Varga.